What is the difference between arthritis and arthritis

What is the difference between arthritis and arthritis?

Many people confuse the names because they don't know the difference.

These diseases are characterized by joint damage, but there are significant differences between them.

Elbow pain

What is the difference

Arthritis can affect any joint. In many cases, this disease is the result of arthritis damage. This is one of the consequences of inappropriate and untimely treatment of joint disease.

In order to understand these two diseases more accurately, these differences are specific to each disease:

    Arthritis refers to various inflammatory changes in joints;
  • The more correct name for the second disease is osteoarthritis. The difference is that the disease will affect the cartilage tissue.

Pathogenesis of two diseases

Arthritis-Type Classification

Arthritis is the name of a specific group of joint diseases.

It is characterized by swelling and inflammation. The inflammatory process leads to the production of enzymes harmful to the joints and ultimately destroys it. In addition to inflammation, fibrin, an adhesion substance, also appears in the joint itself.

This is the pain at rest, which can be relieved by exercise. Get up in the morning, a person feels unyielding, in order to eliminate this feeling of distraction. The disease most commonly affects the upper and lower limbs.

The disease has a differentiation: degeneration or inflammation. The classification is based on the nature of the disease.

A disease that affects articular cartilage is called degenerative arthritis. Cartilage is used to connect and move bones.

It has several types:

  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Traumatic arthritis.

The inflammatory course of the disease is characterized not by damage to cartilage, but damage to connective tissue. Inflammation occurs in the internal space of the joint capsule.

is ​​divided into the following types:

  • : caused by infection;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Reaction plan;
  • Gout.

To understand the difference between arthritis and arthritis, one should understand the difference between osteoarthritis and other diseases included in the concept of arthritis.

Arthritis progression stage

Osteoarthritis, but more accurately and correctly called osteoarthritis, is a chronic disease of the joints that deforms over time. The main cause of deformity is the irreversible destruction of cartilage tissue.

The specificity of the disease is that the destruction process affects the cartilage tissue and subsequently destroys its integrity.

Arthritis is a disease in which the cartilage in the joint is mechanically worn down until it disappears completely. The bones are exposed and friction has occurred.

This disease is long-term and chronic.

Its development is divided into two stages:

  • Primary, detected in 42% of patients. It is not caused by joint injuries, but by unbearable physical labor or hard work. Men who have been engaged in manual labor for a long time feel uncomfortable.
  • The incidence of secondary diseases is higher than that in the primary stage, and is related to the consequences of trauma, based on the mechanism that triggers the destruction process.

Reasons and differences

Measure blood pressure when you make a doctor appointment

Causes of arthritis

The main prerequisites of the disease can be graded:

  • Excessive exercise or work;
  • Various infection processes, including hidden processes;
  • Any form of allergic reaction;
  • Permanently damage the same joint;
  • Metabolism is interrupted;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • Immune system diseases;
  • Post-traumatic syndrome;
  • Genetic predisposition.

The root cause and main signs of arthritis

Little is known about the background of this disease. Only people of retirement age are sick. The disease is affected by age characteristics.

Trauma is considered to be another form of arthritis. The joint with her should be treated. If this does not happen, then signs of joint damage will appear after a few years.

Differences in clinical manifestations and symptoms

Now let us examine the symptoms associated with joint disease in more detail.

Pain symptoms. The initial arthritis is not characterized by constant intense pain. It only appears during vigorous exercise or joint movement. When the load decreases or the exercise stops, the pain disappears.

The person does not pay attention to such manifestations, so that the symptoms gradually worsen and the disease continues to worsen.Pain begins even with mild exertion. Decrease whether the person adopts a comfortable posture.

Systemic pain occurs in the affected joint area. This may be related to long walks, sports or physical exercise.

The affected joints sometimes feel sore after resting for a long time. If it is arthritis, it will show pain both at rest and during physical exercise.

This disease afflicts a person before dawn. Severe pain will occur between 3 am and 5 am.

A crunching sound. Dry tightening is related to arthritis. When cartilage tissue ruptures, bone friction begins. The voice thickens and intensifies, showing the slightest movement of the affected joint.

Demonstrate the stiffness of movement. Arthritis strongly restricts the movement of the two joints affected by it, and the overall mobility of the entire bone decreases.

Disorders of the shape of the diseased joint. Both arthritis and arthritis deform joints. But the deformation process itself occurs in a different way. When suffering from joint disease, there is no redness or inflammation. The joints are not hot. Deformation is also called cold deformation. Swelling and pain may occur when the condition gets worse.Blood in test tubeArthritis can cause joints to become hot, red and swollen. The pain is acute, and when the affected area is palpated, nodular formation can be felt.

What the blood test will tell you. The blood count of arthritis is unchanged. The increase in the number of white blood cells and the sharp increase in ESR are signs of inflammation observed in arthritis. Leukocytosis indicates that the body is prone to infection and internal inflammation.

In the biochemical blood test of arthritis, the number of inflammatory markers increased, but in arthritis, their changes were not obvious.

Pathological location. Osteoarthritis affects the large joints of the body. These will be the knees, hip joints and spine. The name of the disease comes from this: gonorrhea (damage to the knee joint), hip joint disease (hip joint affected), spondyloarthropathy (pathology located in the spine).

Arthritis, called rheumatoid arthritis, lacks in the morning (poor mobility), which is one of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. After waking up, a person will feel stiffness in the hand area. The wrist joints are affected at the same time. With rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis, there may be signs of inflammation in the finger joints-swelling (swelling) and redness.

There are many other signs that can identify arthritis.

If the fingers of the upper or lower limbs swell and turn red, it may be arthritis. Arthritis is manifested by severe pain in the knees and ankles. Pain may also occur in the big toe.

It is accompanied by joint swelling and redness. Pain symptoms often occur, suddenly increase, and then disappear. Infectious arthritis is accompanied by elevated body temperature, general fatigue, sweating, chills, and all bone pain and pain.

The inflammatory process that affects joints has a negative impact on important internal organs, the heart, kidneys and liver.

Other signs of arthritis:

  • Aseptic necrotic zone;
  • Strong muscle tone;
  • Partially fix the affected joint;
  • Cartilage tissue, slow absorption of bones and friction between them;
  • The inflammatory process in the tissue area around the painful joint.

The impact of the patient's gender and age on joint disease

Woman suffering from arthritis under doctor's appointment

Who has arthritis

The percentage of arthritis cases is very low, accounting for 2% of the world's total population.

"35-50 years old" women are more susceptible to infection.

The small joints are more frequently affected.

Whose disease exceeds

Osteoarthritis cannot save the elderly, whether it is a woman or a man. Retirees will get sick after retirement. The total number of cases accounts for about 20% of all the inhabitants of the earth.

Different diseases-different methods

The specialist in charge of treatment is called a plastic surgeon. Arthritis requires treatment by different experts.

Arthritis and its treatment methods

With the help of anti-inflammatory drugs, painful feelings can be relieved in a short time. But they have no effect on the course of the disease.

The main goal of treatment is the regeneration of cartilage tissue. The main drug that helps to do this is chodoprotector.

With the help of these drugs, you can deal with joint inflammation, regulate muscle metabolism and restore damaged areas.

If conservative treatment does not provide positive motivation, joint replacement surgery can be used.

The essence is the fact that surgery is performed to replace the diseased joint. Arthropathy is a serious and incurable disease because the ongoing process is irreversible.

Patients must follow the doctor’s advice on proper nutrition and remedial exercises-this is the stage where treatment is necessary. Gymnastics, medications, therapeutic measures-all these have a positive effect.

What drugs and prescriptions does the doctor give to patients?

For simple cases, the prescription is as follows:

  • Hormone therapy;
  • Drugs designed to reduce inflammation;
  • Painkiller;
  • Manual therapy, massage courses;
  • Practice collection;
  • Physiotherapy-using ultrasound and thermal methods.

The complex course of the disease will require additional medical treatment. Sometimes doctors insist on removing the problem through surgery.

Who needs the services of a surgeon? Patients whose joints are completely destroyed and cannot be repaired need to be completely replaced. Depending on the degree of damage to the joint, full replacement and partial replacement can be used.

Treatment of arthritis

It all depends on the form the disease takes. The treatment methods will be different, you can combine them, change them, and choose the method that can achieve the desired results in the treatment.

Lifestyle suggestions:

  1. enough nutrition,
  2. Avoid alcoholic beverages
  3. Reduced physical activity.

Among these drugs, antibiotics were prescribed and anti-inflammatory drugs were injected into the joints.

Moderate gymnastics and physical therapy are helpful for treatment.

The main content of treatment is to eliminate the inflammatory process and improve the body's resistance. They use vitamin preparations and diet foods. It includes seafood, dairy products and poultry.

Arthritis is a direct contraindication to sunbathing. Wearing high heels and shoes can aggravate the course of the disease and keep it out of the wardrobe.

Illness imposes its own ban: alcoholism, hard physical labor must be a thing of the past. Health is too expensive, ignore the doctor's advice!

Knee injection

Disease prediction results

The possible outcome of the disease is different.

If the cause of arthritis is eliminated, it can be completely cured.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic and sluggish disease that cannot be fully recovered.

Simple folk remedies

In addition to medical treatment, it is also useful to use reliable traditional medicine formulations. Often, even doctors advise their patients to combine traditional medicine with folk medicine. This will speed up the healing process.

When treating arthritis, it is important to rethink your daily diet. If organized properly, these two basic lifestyle pillars can greatly influence the recovery process.

Here are 6 rules that can help patients:

  1. Follow correct eating habits. Modify the menu so that the number of nutrients, vitamins and microorganisms consumed daily can be standardized.
  2. In order to normalize the diet, it is useful to soak the fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu, and it is best to completely eliminate salty foods or use less salt during cooking.
  3. Avoid using hot spices in ready-made products and home cooking.
  4. Refusing to use foods that under certain circumstances are rapidly gaining weight. These foods include high-carbohydrate foods.
  5. Adjusting the weight is very important. If there are excess pounds, it is useful to remove them as soon as possible, as this will negatively affect the lower limbs due to heavy loads.
  6. Stop drinking alcohol because it is bad for the body and helps to develop drug rejection quickly.

In folk remedies, recipes are particularly effective:

  1. The use of birch buds can help treat arthritis. Pour them into boiling water, after boiling, wrap them with warm cloth and brew. Three and a half cups the day before meals.
  2. Crush the beef root, put it in a jar, and pour vodka. Keep in a dark place and shake the contents of the container regularly. Apply the resulting solution to the most painful area.

Family remedies and nutritional habits

If joint disease occurs, it is useful to saturate the daily menu with oily fish. The omega 3 acid contained in it can quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain. As an alternative, we recommend using fish oil, which is as effective as oily fish.

Milk and dairy products are good for you, but nonfat foods are the best. Cheese and cheese should be fully saturated with calcium. The daily diet should include enough fresh fruits and vegetables.

If joint disease occurs, make sure your body receives enough vitamins. For this reason, it is useful to drink a course of vitamins. Drugs with complex effects should be preferred. Some vitamins help to absorb other vitamins faster. Considering this situation, there are some such products on sale. This helps to ensure that vitamins are quickly absorbed and no salt deposits occur in the joints.

Proper nutrition, weight regulation and continuous monitoring of the state of the skeletal system can enable you to cope with this disease, but does not include future relapses.

Traditional medicine provides a way to combat this disease:

  1. Exercise regularly. You don't need to work too hard, the exercise should be moderate and can only bring fun from its performance.
  2. Swimming or doing various exercises in the water are very useful.
  3. Compression is effective. As the inflammatory process develops, warm options are useful, while cold (such as ice) is suitable for pain relief.
  4. The anti-inflammatory healing bath is especially useful in fighting this disease. For them, medicinal plants such as eucalyptus, calendula, sandalwood oil, and St. John's wort are suitable.

Recommended orthopedic equipment

Knee pads are used to combat these diseases. Patients who use them point out that they, along with other methods of coping with disease, do help cope with pain.

The choice of equipment is diverse, so it is necessary to consider the course of the patient and choose a model suitable for a specific patient.

Each model has its specific purpose. If you make a wrong choice, the device will not bring any results because it cannot be worn at all.

The closed knee brace is a device that covers his lower limbs. They are made of elastic material, and in some models, an additional insulating layer is also provided. This option is good when pain persists in different places. They are designed to fully fix the knee part of the leg. Provides significant relief when walking.

The opened model has a cup-shaped cutout. They help to walk and relieve pain when the legs are bent. They are useful for people who need to go up stairs. The models have rigid frames and they are made of elastic materials. These devices help maintain the shape and position of the legs.

Disease prevention

As a preventive measure, it is useful to take care of a healthy lifestyle. Moderate exercise will help. Quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages will greatly reduce the possibility of these serious diseases.

Preventing the development of any disease is much easier than wasting time, energy and money to treat. If we talk about arthritis and arthritis, then for prevention, timely and thorough treatment of all types of infectious diseases is useful; untimely treatment of these diseases may lead to the development of serious lower limb problems in the near future.

Ensure that sufficient amounts of various vitamins are provided to the human body. Avoid hypothermia and dress for the weather. Ensure that the joint load reaches the allowable range. It should not be too much. Overweight people. It is usually best to remove excess pounds as soon as possible, as they can negatively affect the state of the entire organism.

You should plan your diet to provide adequate nutrition for your body.